Friday, April 10, 2009

"vibrators for everyone !!!!"

so i watched oprah yesterday.
very informative.
i watched a mom give her ten year old "the talk"

" ... and then the penis gets hard and goes inside the womans vagina. The sperm then comes out and swims up the fallopian tubes ..."

i think i want shana to stay 5 FOREVER.


Katie said...

that right there....beyond akward. how long do you think you can keep her from knowing where she came from? would you give her the half honest talk or the whole enchillada?

*D* said...

i think i can keep it secret say... another couple days. haha. shanas far too curious. she has already been hounding me on how babies are made and "when a mommy loves a daddy" just doesn't fly with her. somehow at FIVE she knows better. eek.
Not sure when but I'll give her the whole enchillada. you know, penis, vagina, sperm, egg... including diagrams. WOW.
can't wait till you have a baby !!! :)

Katie said...

time to get together and draw those digrams....