Friday, December 12, 2008

its time to vent

people piss me off.
the stupidity of their ignorance.
their total lack of common sense and intelligence.
their fear of not understanding something and turning their fear into distaste.

it makes me sick.

this utter disgust for people has come about through an expression of art known as tattooing.

we were each born into our own bodies.
we don't share with anyone else.
we aren't owned by anyone else.
we are our own person.
with our own opinions, our own perspective and our own free will.

i knew long before anyone else that i seemed to walk with a different stride.
so many times in life i feel like i've been walking against the flow of the religious bullshit i've been surrounded by. (i apologize if the language is a little rough but i just call it as i see it)
in the younger years it was visits to the office. not being sent there but marching in and making my point that some teacher was wrong. or something taught in bible class was against the very person of who God is.
as i got older, it began in the church. meetings with pastors for things that apparently "i didn't understand". me trying to get them to see that it was religion that was the foundation, not God. not love.
the older i get, the more it seems apparent to me.
i'm my own person.
Gods own creation.
unique in every way.
i fight against hate. against those who hate on what they don't understand.
the only thing is ... they don't understand.
as much as i want them to see what i see and feel what it is i feel... no amount of words can do that.

i'm ... as my baby so kindly puts it ... a "tattoo-head".
i love that.

not because it makes me a rebel, or puts in a different class then others but because right now, this is me ... and i'm wearing it on my sleeve.

believe it or not .. going against the grain is hard for me. i'm emotional. it hurts. but its who i am and the only thing that would hurt more ... is denying myself that right.

venting complete.


The Unborn Artist. said...

good vent d.
i hope when i get my new tat i wont have poor responses, but considering half my facebook friends, i will get a lot of poor remarks.
i love you for you are and so do the real people.
everyone else can suck it!
haha you are beautiful and your tattoos are fucking amazing!

Katie said...

it just so happens you've got a lot of love not just written on your arm...which is beautiful but all over your body. you know i love you and nothing will change that

Jesse said...

stay with me here crazy danielle clark panabaker braintitface....

no dying unless katie obrien kills you then you can undead